Universitätsassistent:in – Postdoc

vor 2 Wochen

Innsbruck, Tirol, Österreich Universität Innsbruck Vollzeit
  • Independent research activities in the field of discovery of new bioactive natural products from plants, fungi and marine organisms, in particular through the use of mass spectrometry-based bioinformatic methods, as well as their biological testing, especially with regard to new insecticides/larvicides
  • Teaching courses including preparation and follow-up work as well as examination activities
  • Assistance in the supervision of doctoral, bachelor and master students
  • Collaboration in organisational and administrative tasks as well as evaluation measures
  • Continuing education

Your profile:

  • Completed doctorate in the field of natural sciences (pharmacy, chemistry, etc.)
  • Knowledge and experience in the discovery of bioactive natural products
  • Familiarity with the following methods: Isolation of natural products from various sources (plants, marine organisms, fungi), bioactivity-guided fractionation, structure elucidation using MS and NMR, analytical techniques such as HPTLC, FCPC, UHPLC/UV/MS/MS as well as modern methods of pharmacognosy (in particular visualisation and evaluation of complex data matrices using molecular networking)
  • Teaching experience in the field of pharmacognosy or pharmaceutical biology
  • Independent publication activity in international journals
  • Successful acquisition of third-party funding
  • Good written and spoken German and English skills desired
  • Ability to work in a team, communication skills, willingness to cooperate, ability to formulate complex issues in an understandable way
  • Experience in academic self-administration, ability to lead small groups of junior researchers
  • Enjoyment of academic work and supervision of students

The minimum gross salary (stipulated by collective agreement) for this position amounts to € 4.933 per month (14 times) * .

* as of 2024


We are looking forward to receiving your online application by 13.02.2025 stating the code CHEM-PHARM-14786

The University of Innsbruck emphasizes equal opportunities and diversity in its personnel policy.

The University of Innsbruck strives to increase the percentage of women and thus expressly encourages women to apply. This is particularely true for leading positions and scientific job offers. In case of underrepresentation women with the same qualifications will be given priority.

Following Austrian disability legislation, qualified persons are strongly encouraged to apply.


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